Inspire your employees with your own academy

Start now and experience a learning platform that fits your company perfectly!

A dedicated learning environment for your employees

Inspire with a modern learning environment in your corporate branding. It’s versatile: from easy access on all devices to the ability to create accounts for employees without email addresses.

All training courses at a glance

In the employee area, each employee can see their individual training courses. This way, they can keep track of their progress.

Manage appointments

Never miss training dates with the calendar overview.

Easily accessible e-learnings

The attractive design of skillsforwork will motivate your employees to learn.

Overview of completed training courses

In the document overview, your employees will find all their training certificates.

Use the learning platform of the future.

Professionally created content

Professional videos and interactive e-learnings promote attentive listening and sustainable learning.

Effective training and further education

Our platform enables you to efficiently and effectively train your employees, for example, quickly introducing new employees to the company culture.

Flexible learning

With our e-learnings, employees have the opportunity to choose their learning content and the timing of their learning themselves. This promotes individual, needs-based further education that can be easily integrated into everyday working life.

Central management of learning content

skillsforwork offers a central platform for managing and providing learning content. Your company can easily update training materials and make them accessible to different target groups.

Take your employees' skills to the next level!